How to set your advertising budget
Depending on the potential of the account and the size, recommendations are to increase the spend accordingly. There are some parameters we normally had in mind when deciding on the spend for a specific account.
Monthly budget: €100 – €300
Selected account is a prioritised deal where the deal value is up to a €100.000 per year.
Typical size of the account is a couple of hundred employees.
Monthly budget: €300 – €600
Selected account is a prioritised deal with a deal value up to a €500.000 per year.
Typical size of the account is around 300-500 employees.
Monthly budget: €600 – €1200
Selected account is a prioritised dea or a “make or break” deal. The value of deal varies a lot, but definitely more than €500.000.
The size of the account varies from a few hundred to thousands of employees.
Minimum spend in the platform is €100 per month and account. Use this as guidelines on how you can think around your monthly budget.